Every track played on this week’s show, in no particular order:
“Brutha Voodoo Theme” by The Wiggly Tendrils
The Namecheck
"Wu-Tang Forever" by Drake
"C.R.E.A.M." by The Wu-Tang Clan
The Irregular Feature: #ItAintWhereYouFromItsWhereYouAt
"Comme Ca" by South of France from Los Angeles, USA
That's Not The News That's Not
"No Deal" by Article 54
Then & Now
"Losing My Religion" by REM
"Your Capricious Self" by Michael Stipe
Brother Bill’s Obscura Flashback
"Fortress Europe" by Asian Dub Foundation
Chiptune of the Week
"Contact" by Game Genie Sokolov
The Rest!
"Massachubats!" by The Slow-Goers
"Electric Girl" by Margot Polo
"Cecily Strong" by Pleb Mahongany
"Anything, Anything" by Daisy-Chain
"Rush To Spark" by Foxes In Fiction
"(again, again, again)" by Bedbound By Summer
"They Don't Deserve Me" by Oliver Richard
"Lost In Space" by My Heart, Your Thunder
"Lake Ontario" by Adrian Plath
"Fix Me" by King Bitch
"Animal Grief" by Dash Hammerstein
"Charlie Dealt In Pharmaceuticals" by Pavlov's Puss
"Laridae" by Stray Fossa
"Dance 4 U" by Luke Martinez
"The Birds" by Hidden In Science
"Vivid In My Mind" by Love Of Consolation
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playlistobscura
mixcloud: https://www.mixcloud.com/bruthavoodoo/
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